jeudi 3 mai 2012

Susan Dorothea White The Seven Deadly Sins of Modern Times, 1993

The idea to paint both The Seven Deadly Isms and The Seven Deadly Sins of Modern Times, came from Bosch's circular painting on a tabletop The Seven Deadly Sins. I was struck by the novelty of viewing a painting by walking around its circumference, rather than standing before it. To paint a continuous, circular composition with interconnecting narratives was a challenge and an alternative to compositions with a single static viewpoint, limited by four sides. Instead of the enormous eye of God used by Bosch, I chose to enlarge he iris of our pet cat to represent Gaia, the goddess of the universe.

la suite ...

The Seven Deadly Sins of Modern Times - acrylic symbolic painting on wooden table by artist Susan Dorothea White, after The Seven Deadly Sins by Hieronymus Bosch

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